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Undergraduate ScholarshipsEncouraging Your
Growth as an
Undergraduate Student

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Donor-Funded Scholarships

Cornerstone University annually awards several scholarships funded and endowed by generous friends of the university. In consultation with faculty members, a scholarship committee awards most of the scholarships in April of each year based upon the criteria for each scholarship.

Descriptions of donor-funded scholarships are available below. Be sure to check for both general institutional scholarships and those available within your major/department.

Please note that some scholarships listed below are awarded through nomination from the Schools and not through application. Therefore not all scholarships listed below will be on the application.

The application is open December-March for each following academic year.

Apply for Institutional Scholarships

School of Business & Innovation

C. John Miller Business Leadership Scholarship

The C. John Miller Business Leadership Scholarship assists returning students who have demonstrated exceptional potential for leadership in business. Applicants must be a business major, have completed 30 credits and maintained a minimum 3.0 GPA. May be renewed for qualified candidates.

Cynthia Gregory Wiltheiss Scholarship

The Cynthia Gregory Wiltheiss Scholarships was establised to honor Cindy Wiltheiss, the longtime Cornerstone University Director of Food Service for her service to the University. This scholarships assists a student from the School of Business & Innovation. Applicants must have completed at least 60 credits and maintained a minimum 3.0 GPA.

Lawrence J. Bos Scholarship

The Lawrence J. Bos Scholarship honors Larry Bos and his long-time service to the university as a faculty member. This assists a finance, economics or accounting student who participates in an extra-curricular or co-curricular activity. Applicants must have completed 60 credits and maintained a minimum 3.0 GPA in their major.

Paul and Dottie Gordon Family Scholarship

This scholarship generously established by Dorothy Gordon in memory of her beloved, Paul, helps advance the education and careers of students who are committed to Jesus Christ. This awards scholarships in three areas — to students whose parents are in ministry, to ministry majors and to business majors. Financial need is considered, and a minimum 3.0 GPA is required. May be renewed for qualified candidates.

Stewart-Woodward Accounting Scholarship

The Stewart-Woodward Accounting Scholarship was established in honor of Scott Stewart’s (’87 alum and dedicated employee) grandfather Woodward, who encouraged him to pursue accounting. This assists an accounting major who models a consistent commitment to a biblical lifestyle and exhibits a well-rounded knowledge of accounting. Applicants must have completed 58 credits.

School of Education and Human Services

Art and Ann Mueller Memorial Education Scholarship

The Art and Ann Mueller Memorial Education Scholarship honors the Mueller’s, who had a heart for education and were Sunday School and rural schoolteachers as well as board members. Art and Ann were influential in establishing a Christian school. Their daughter was an educator for 33 years and their son has served in various ministries. This scholarship assists education majors with a 3.0 GPA who demonstrate financial need. Candidates must be admitted into the Teacher Education program.

Catherine Ross Wirtz Elementary Education Scholarship

The Catherine Ross Wirtz Elementary Education Scholarship assists undergraduate students who are endeavoring to become elementary or middle school teachers, have a record of service to the LORD and mankind, seeking an education major and have maintained a minimum 3.0 GPA; financial need is also considered. Applicants must be accepted into the teacher education program and upload a summary describing their record of service to the LORD and mankind as well as the grade level they plan to teach.

Chapman Social Science Student Scholarship

The Chapman Social Science Student Scholarship assists a student pursuing a Psychology or Social work degree. Student must be at least a junior and have had leadership experience during their time at Cornerstone.

Ethel M. Collins Children’s Education Scholarship

The Ethel M. Collins Children’s Education Scholarship assists students who are preparing to minister to children through a teaching career; students should be seeking an education major, have completed 26 credits, maintained a minimum 2.0 GPA and demonstrate financial need. Applicants must upload a summary describing how they plan to use their teaching career as a ministry.

Grace Gunn Memorial Scholarship

The Grace Gunn Memorial Scholarship assists an education major with a heart for servant leadership. Preference is given to elementary education majors and students with financial need.

Howard and Mary Simms Memorial Scholarship

The Howard and Mary Simms Memorial Scholarship assists students majoring in social work who have demonstrated growth and intentional work in several arenas. Applicants must demonstrate financial need.

Student Teaching Scholarship

The Student Teaching Scholarship assists students during their semester of student teaching. The student must demonstrate financial need and maintain a 3.25 GPA. 

TESOL Scholarship

The TESOL Scholarship assists a student that has a TESOL minor, completed at least 58 credits and maintained a minimum 3.0 GPA.

School of Health, Science & Technology

Carol Van Andel Health and Science Scholarship

The Carol Van Andel Health and Science Scholarship honors Carol Van Andel and her outstanding commitment to health science scholarship and Christian education in West Michigan. The scholarship, established by the David and Carol Van Andel Family Foundation, assists students enrolled in a health care related program who have completed 58 credits with a minimum 3.0 GPA and involved in an extra-curricular.

Chapman Health Science Scholarship

The Chapman Health Science Scholarship assists a student pursuing a nursing or pre-med major. Student must be at least a junior and have had leadership experience during their time at Cornerstone.

Chapman International Student Scholarship

The Chapman International Student Scholarship assists students pursuing a pre-med major. Student must be at least a junior and have had leadership experience during their time at Cornerstone.

Contractors Engineering Scholarship

The Contractors Engineering Scholarship is established to honor the outstanding work of West Michigan contractors in constructing and servicing the Jack and Mary DeWitt Center for Science and Technology. This scholarship assists a student in the engineering program who has completed at least 58 credits, maintained a minimum 3.0 GPA and participated in some type of extracurricular or co-curricular activity at Cornerstone.

Creation Stewardship Scholarship

The Creation Stewardship Scholarship was established by Raymond Gates, associate professor of biology, who was honored for his 30 years of service to Cornerstone University. His passion for biology gave students an exceptional classroom experience. This scholarship is granted to environmental biology or biology majors who demonstrate behavior and participate in activities outside the classroom which make a positive impact on God’s creation.

DeWitt Nursing Scholarship

The DeWitt Nursing Scholarship was established to provide assistance to nursing students. Priority is given, but not limited to, students with financial need, or residents of Kent or Ottawa counties.

Fleischmann Family Scholarship for Environmental Biology

The Fleischmann Family Scholarship is established out of gratitude for the scholarship funding that their daughter received as an undergraduate biology student. This scholarship is awarded to a returning environmental biology major.

Gloria Baker Kinesiology Award

The Gloria Baker Kinesiology Award assists students who demonstrate the qualities necessary to become successful in the field of physical education or exercise science; students must be a physical education or exercise science major, have completed 58+ credits and have maintained a minimum 3.0 GPA.

Nursing Scholarship

The Nursing scholarship assists a student pursuing a degree in nursing.

Peter Atwood Mathematics Scholarship

The Peter Atwood Mathematics Scholarship honors Dr. Atwood for his more than 25 years of service at the university by assisting mathematics or secondary mathematics education majors who demonstrate Christian character and exceptional mathematical ability. Students must have a minimum 3.0 GPA.

Ron Meyers Science Scholarship

The Ron Meyers Science Scholarship honors the many years of service that Ron taught at Cornerstone. This scholarship assists a science major who has completed 58 credits with a minimum 3.6 GPA and who has demonstrated service in leadership.

School of Ministry, Media & The Arts

Bertha Dewey Stock Memorial Scholarship

The Bertha Dewey Stock Memorial Scholarship assists married students seeking full-time ministry careers. Applicants must have completed 60 credits and demonstrate financial need.

Billy Zeoli Communications Scholarship

The Billy Zeoli Communications Scholarship was established to honor the contributions of Billy Zeoli to the field of Christian Media Communications. The scholarship will provide financial assistance to students pursuing a career in the field of media production.

Brian Wright Memorial Scholarship

The Brian Wright Memorial Scholarship was established by Chaplain Joshua Stoley in memory and honor of Pastor Brian L. Wright. This assists an undergraduate student who is preparing for full-time ministry. Preference is given to those who plan to attend seminary. Applicants must have 58 credits completed. May be renewed for qualified candidates.

Clair McCombs Aviation Scholarship

The Clair McCombs Aviation Scholarship assists students pursing an aviation minor. Eligible recipients must have completed one year of coursework at School of Missionary Aviation Technology (SMAT) and maintain a 2.5 GPA.

Dorothy L. Sayers Promising Young Writers Scholarship Fund

The Dorothy L. Sayers Promising Young Writers Scholarship Fund is established to encourage young undergraduate writers in their endeavor to develop the skills for writing-connected careers. Candidates for the award must be an undergraduate English major or English writing minor. Applicants must demonstrate the desire to write as a vocation. Financial need is not a prerequisite but will be considered in the selection process.

Dr. Raymond Bartholomew Scholarship

The Dr. Raymond Bartholomew Scholarship provides financial assistance to juniors or seniors pursuing careers in publishing or professional writing; students must have a minimum 3.7 GPA. Applicants must upload a summary describing how they plan to pursue writing as a profession and what they hope to accomplish through their writing.

Edward R. Powell Family Scholarship

The Edward R. Powell Family Scholarship recognizes outstanding students majoring in Communication & Media Studies as they prepare for various occupations or ministries in the public sphere. Recipients will have a burden to be “salt and light” in the secular workplace as described in Matthew 5:13-16 and must have 60 completed credits.

Esther Gilbertson Scholarship

The Esther Gilbertson Scholarship assists returning ministry major students who are preparing for full-time Christian ministry and have maintained a minimum 3.0 GPA.

Kenny Springett Scholarship

The Kenny Springett Scholarship assists a media production student. Applicant will be asked to write a short essay about the Lord’s work in their life and how it relates to their future goals. May be renewed.

Kent and Hazel Hager Endowment

The Kent and Hazel Hager Endowment assists students preparing for full-time Christian work. Applicants must have completed 58 credits and maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA. May be renewed for qualified candidates.

LE Cardinal Scholarship

The LE Cardinal Scholarship honors Lawrence and Elizabeth Morgan. Elizabeth had a great love for cardinals and Lawrence was a St. Louis Cardinals fan. This scholarship assists a qualified strategic communication major, communication studies major or broadcast communication major.

Lukas Squires Memorial Scholarship

The Lukas Squires Memorial Scholarship assists undergraduates with a desire to work with youth, such as youth ministry; preference is given to those who have overcome personal hardship and have a minimum 2.5 GPA. May be renewed for qualified candidates.

Marilyn Cripps Memorial Scholarship

The Marilyn Cripps Memorial Scholarship assists students seeking a career in full time ministry. Student must have completed at least 58 credits to be considered.

Osborn Linguistics Ministry Scholarship

The Osborn Linguistics Scholarship assists students in the School of Ministry, Media, & the Arts while honoring Dr. Henry Osborn’s legacy of linguistics at Cornerstone University. Students must have completed 58 credits with a minimum 3.0 GPA.

Paul and Dottie Gordon Family Scholarship

This scholarship generously established by Dorothy Gordon in memory of her beloved, Paul, helps advance the education and careers of students who are committed to Jesus Christ. This awards scholarships in three areas – to students whose parents are in ministry, to ministry majors, and to business majors. Financial need is considered and a minimum 3.0 GPA is required. May be renewed for qualified candidates.

Robert and Ruth Lanting Student Endowment

The Robert and Ruth Lanting Student Endowment aids undergraduate students who are interested in Christian ministry or missions work and demonstrate financial need. May be renewed for qualified candidates.

Music Scholarships

Ernest and Yvonne Rogers Scholarship

The Ernest and Yvonne Rogers Scholarship assists music majors who demonstrate exceptional instrumental and/or vocal ability. Applicants must have completed 26 credits, maintained a minimum 3.0 GPA and be actively involved in a church music ministry.

Gordon Music Scholarship

The Gordon Music Scholarship was established to honor the life of Frank H. Gordon. The scholarship is awarded to 3 outstanding music students per year.

Margaret Ward Music Scholarship

The Margaret Ward Music Scholarship assists undergraduate students who are majoring in music with an emphasis in piano or voice, maintained a minimum 3.0 GPA and demonstrate financial need.

Meryl Welch Musical Arts Endowment

The Meryl Welch Musical Arts Endowment assists students in their commitment to exhibit excellence in the field of music. Applicants must demonstrate proficiency in the musical arts, and priority is given to those with a concentration in piano.

Orpha Galloway Scholarship

The Orpha Galloway Scholarship was established to assist a musician who has shown leadership in the spiritual life of school and church communities.

Richard H. & Marion B. Stewart Scholarship

The Richard H. & Marion B. Stewart scholarship was established to assist a student who excels in choral music at Cornerstone.

Sylvia King Music Scholarship

The Sylvia King Music scholarship was established to honor Sylvia King and her love for music. The scholarship is awarded to a junior or senior student who has contributed to the music touring groups.

Additional Institutional Scholarships

Amanda and Michael Nielsen Children’s Ministry Scholarship

The Amanda and Michael Nielsen Children’s Ministry Scholarship  assists undergraduate students who are pursuing a career in children’s ministry or students serving in summer camps; students must have earned 30 credits and be currently involved in children’s ministry.

Belden Brick and Supply Architectural and Masonry Scholarship

The Belden Brick and Supply Architectural and Masonry Scholarship is established to honor Mr. Paul Belden III and his outstanding commitment to Christian education and community organizations in West Michigan. This scholarship assists students whose parents or grandparents are associated with the architectural, masonry, home building or landscape professions. Students should have a minimum high school GPA of 3.0 or college GPA of 2.5.

Boes Family Scholarship

The Boes Family Scholarship was established to assist an incoming freshman student who is a child of missionaries.

C.E. Pinckard Scholarship

The C.E. Pinckard Scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to an outstanding student who shows leadership in the spiritual life of Cornerstone. The student must also have a minimum 3.0 GPA.

Covenant Christian Scholarship

The generous families at Covenant Christian Schools in Walker, Michigan strongly believe a Christian education has great value and wish to make such an education at Cornerstone more readily accessible to their graduates. The Covenant Christian Scholarship will provide financial support for a graduate of Covenant Christian School in Walker, Michigan. Applicants must have and maintain a 3.0 GPA and demonstrate financial need.

Dakota Gonzales Scholarship Fund

The Gonzales scholarship assists students with great potential. Student must demonstrate financial need.

Deanna Scholarship

The Deanna Scholarship assists students who were raised by a single parent with economical challenge. Student must demonstrate financial need. Applicant should upload a essay about how the Lord has used your single parent to teach you and bring you to where you are today.

DeWitt West Michigan Scholarship

The DeWitt Scholarship was created to encourage students from West Michigan to enroll at Cornerstone. Eligible students mush live within a certain geographical area. Student should also demonstrate financial need and minimum 3.0 GPA requirement.

Jabez Scholarship

The Jabez Scholarship was established by Patricia Irwin (‘72 alum) to recognize students with great potential and that distinguish themselves with integrity, spiritual depth, and professional agility that grew up in metropolitan or urban settings and demonstrate financial need.

Joao and Rosangela Garcia Scholarship

The Joao and Rosangela Scholarship for international students was generously started by Jeffery and Rachel Degner in honor of Rachel’s parents Joao and Rosangela Garcia. Joao has served the Lord as pastor in Atibaia, Brazil for more than 20 years. He loves to study the Scriptures and is an evangelist at heart, having served in numerous ministries. Rosangela has used her entrepreneurial talent to serve her family, community, and church and is Joao’s greatest source of encouragement as she has served in any role necessary to the church and her husband. Joao and Rosangela’s lives are that of humble, self-sacrificing servants of Jesus Christ to which this scholarship will be awarded to a deserving international student that exhibits similar character. Returning international students who humbly display Christ-like character and is in good academic standing.

Minnesota Regional Scholarship

The Minnesota scholarship assists a deserving student from the state of Minnesota on track to complete a degree from Cornerstone or a first year student. Student must maintain a 3.0 GPA in their major or from their high school and participate in some type of extra/co-curricular activity at Cornerstone or their high school.

Paul and Dottie Gordon Family Scholarship

This scholarship generously established by Dorothy Gordon in memory of her beloved, Paul, helps advance the education and careers of students who are committed to Jesus Christ. This awards scholarships in three areas – to students whose parents are in ministry, to ministry majors and to business majors. Financial need is considered, and a minimum 3.0 GPA is required. May be renewed for qualified candidates.

Renee K. Spaanstra Memorial Scholarship

The Renee K. Spaanstra Memorial Scholarship was established after the death of Renee Spaanstra, an employee of the Student Financial Services office. Renee worked at Cornerstone University for eight years and was best known for her heart for helping students both with financial aid and other areas of life. The scholarship assists undergraduate single parents with dependent children or students who face extraordinary family and financial challenges. 26 credits must be completed.

Request Foods Scholarship

The Request Foods Scholarship is intended to encourage students who are children of Request Foods employees to enroll at Cornerstone University.

Rev. Joseph Balbach Scholarship

The Rev. Joseph Balbach Scholarship assists Bible or music majors who have a passion for others, demonstrate financial need and have good academic standing.

Richard & Doris Grant Baker Scholarship

The Richard & Doris Grant Baker Scholarship was created to assist students receiving accommodations and academic support through the Center for Academic Success.

Samuel L. Westerman Scholarship

The Samuel L. Westerman Scholarship assists students actively involved in volunteer service and/or church-related work; students must have completed 60 credits and maintained a minimum 3.0 GPA.

Wendell K. Babcock GRSBM Scholarship

The Wendell K. Babcock GRSBM Scholarship assists children and grandchildren of GRSBM alumni who demonstrate financial need.

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