Academic Programs

Adult female meeting with female student at a table with a laptop and coffee cups


De Witt Center for Science and Technology at Cornerstone University

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Students giving high fives after Powderpuff football game

Student Experience

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Adult male in a suit jacket standing at a wooden podium with a laptop while speaking to a room of guests Adult male in a suit jacket standing at a wooden podium with a laptop while speaking to a room of guests Adult male in a suit jacket standing at a wooden podium with a laptop while speaking to a room of guests

Seminary ExperienceHere to Help
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Seminary Experience

Cornerstone Theological Seminary prepares leaders for the Church who seek to show the love and grace of Jesus to people in their community, rather than purely study and gain knowledge. Believers who are bold in their faith and act to change the world for Christ and His Kingdom.

Multi-denominational and accredited by the Association of Theological Schools (ATS), we develop mature leaders who can adapt and solve tomorrow’s ministry challenges. Whether you’re called to pastor a church, teach Biblical truths, counsel those in need, or lead civic initiatives, our flexible online and on-campus seminary degrees will prepare you to influence society toward truth, beauty, and goodness by creating disciples for Jesus Christ.

All students who earn a degree at CTS, will receive instruction in the Seminary’s Four Pillars: Biblical Truth, Orthodox Theology, Dynamic Ministry, Leadership & Practice.

Biblical Truth

With less than 10% of American Christians and only 37% of its pastors reporting that they hold to a Biblical worldview, the Church of Jesus Christ needs its leaders to truly follow Him and understand and teach Biblical Truth. At Cornerstone University, our faculty wholeheartedly embraces the whole Bible as God’s Holy word.

Orthodox Theology

Cornerstone’s theological instruction rests on the Bible and not denominational priorities. All degree-seeking students will take classes that aid them in understanding and interpreting scripture and applying Biblical truth to life.

Male speaking in chapel sanctuary with stained glass window while holding an open Bible

Dynamic Ministry

The world needs Biblically faithful Christian ministry leaders who are trusted and skilled to lead in the local church. For over 83 years, Cornerstone Theological Seminary has equipped graduates with a profound understanding of applied doctrine and effective ministry capabilities to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Leadership & Practice

Leading in the church also requires an understanding of casting vision, developing other leaders, and managing the operations of local churches and organizations. Students at Cornerstone Theological Seminary learn to be well rounded and capable leaders.

Admissions Office


MON - FRI: 8 a.m. - 5. p.m.
SAT & SUN: Closed

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