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Cornerstone University
Alumni Association

Whether you graduated five years or 50 years ago, you’re family. And as family, we want to keep in touch. The Cornerstone University Alumni Association is a group of dedicated alumni who strive to preserve Cornerstone’s history, navigate its present and cultivate its future. We are a network of believers that span the globe and live every day for the glory of Christ.

Regional Alumni Chapters

As a community of alumni, we desire to stay connected no matter where we are physically. That’s why we’ve set up regional alumni chapters in places like Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn.; Detroit, Mich.; and Chicago, Ill. This gives our community the opportunity to engage with other alumni living in their region through networking.

News & Events

Stay up-to-date with what the alumni association is doing. Every year, we host several events on campus, including Homecoming and Family Weekend, and we would love for you to join! Events like these give us the opportunity to reconnect with our alumni and give you a chance to be on campus again.

Homecoming & Family Weekend

Alumni Board and
Young Alumni Council

We love having alumni serve on the Alumni Board and Young Alumni Council to give key insight into university decisions and help connect communities of alumni.

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