It feels like you’ve flipped through the academic catalog one hundred times. You’ve visited the website even more than that, but you still can’t decide what you’re interested in. The first day of classes is quickly approaching, and you have no idea what you want to do.
You love your college; after all, that’s why you enrolled. And even if you don’t know what you want to study yet, you don’t have to compare yourself to the other students you might be seeing on social media.
It’s okay to still be searching. It’s okay to feel uncertain.
And if you’re looking for guidance or just a different point of view, here are four ways you can use your first semester to help you figure out what your major should be.
Sometimes it might seem easy to choose a subject or major that is financially secure, even if it doesn’t fill you with excitement. But your future doesn’t have to be boring. As you begin your freshman year, take time to explore the things that make you happy. This doesn’t mean giving up your education to chase a far-fetched dream, but it does grant you the opportunity to explore your interests guilt-free. If you focus on pursuing what you love, you’ll move closer to who God has called you to be.
And be sure to seek out campus resources designed to support you in choosing a major. For example, Cornerstone has strengths-based inventory tools and one-on-one advising appointments to help incoming first-year students like yourself identify their talents and career goals.
Choosing a potential major doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Once you have narrowed down the list of subjects, pick a class from each discipline to take the following semester. It’s okay if you don’t like one of them: the class credits will reassign to fulfill your elective requirements. Remember, it’s better to try something and dislike it than it is to commit to four years of misery.
As a freshman on campus, you’re surrounded with natural resources. When considering a potential major, reach out to your fellow students. Ask which classes they liked, which ones they didn’t and which professors they recommend. These connections will also come in handy if you do decide to switch; you’ll have built-in friends and study partners in your new major.
You don’t need to have all of the answers right now. Instead of agonizing over major life decisions, take some time this semester to pursue your interests, pray and be patient. Sometimes, it’s not about you and what you think you want; sometimes, it’s about what God is waiting to call you to do.
When it comes to picking a college major, it’s okay to want to make the right decision. It’s okay to need more time. You are supposed to be finding yourself in college, but you don’t have to go through it alone. You are a unique individual, created with one-of-a-kind talents in the image of God; trust in Him, and you’ll make the right choice.