Among the many opportunities offered at Cornerstone University is student government. Similar to what many have experienced in high school, student government is an opportunity to build leadership skills and be a voice for fellow students. Businesses want to hire future leaders, and Cornerstone’s programs want to prepare you.
Student government is a group of student leaders elected annually to serve Cornerstone’s community. Their main goal is to make Cornerstone an even better place to grow in education and faith, and they take that job seriously.
Adam Holeman (B.A. ’20), a former student body president as well as an accounting and finance major, held “town hall meetings” in the residence halls during his term so that other students could share their feedback. Holeman also had frequent meetings with faculty like the assistant director of campus engagement, vice president of student development and university president.
Dr. Gerald Longjohn, vice president for student development, shared some significant changes he has seen through the years: “Two of the significant initiatives over the past few years included Cornerstone University Student Office (CUSO) input into the curfew policy and open-hall policies—both of which changed significantly based on input from students. I’ve deeply appreciated the ongoing dialogue and partnership with our student government leaders. It’s been helpful for me to have additional insight into student perspectives and has provided an opportunity for students to gain insight into administrative decisions and processes.”
Holeman shared with me about his experience campaigning and acting as student body president.
“I chose to run for the position because I wanted to help create an environment where the student body can feel like they matter, the members in student offices can grow and lead and the faculty can have the ability to connect with the students,” Holeman said.
Holeman’s main goals were to make students feel heard and be the bridge between students and faculty. He worked toward achieving these goals alongside the other commitments associated with this role.
One of the biggest responsibilities is leading weekly Cornerstone University Student Office or CUSO meetings. CUSO organizes a number of events throughout the year, offers organization and skill planning to student members and generally works toward the betterment of Cornerstone.
There is always a need for new voices in leadership, and there are always opportunities as well. Whether you are currently enrolled at Cornerstone or are a high school senior eager to be involved on campus next year, consider looking into all the possible leadership roles available here. There are plenty of student organizations to get involved in, so see what interests you! Not only will you be able to support peers and help innovate your school, but it can be a fantastic experience for future jobs as well.