When I moved back home to Michigan, I found out that paralysis was setting in after an accident. That was a really dark part of my life. The mobility in my lower body was draining, and it was hard to take care of myself. I thought God had given up on me. I had faith, but it was so small because I couldn’t look past my situation.

I didn’t know where I was at in life. But at Mary Free Bed, I had a therapist who really lit up my life. She encouraged me and brought me back to my roots. Through her, God spoke to me and told me I needed to make a change and start working for Him. She was that link that God placed in my life to lead me to Cornerstone University.

I wasn’t thinking about going back to school at that time. But God put it in my mind that my life had to change. I needed to further my education to stay productive in society and to help others. God chose Cornerstone for me. He knew what I needed and gave me direction.

Living God’s Calling Through Human Services

I have been through a lot of challenges in my life. But God has used those times in my life to fit with His purpose. He continued to provide for me and teach me, even in the worst places. Now, I want to tell the world about God through my story.

Human services and helping people in the community blended in with what I wanted to do in my life. And then as I look toward a bachelor’s in psychology, I will have the education to better help people know where they can access resources.

My experience in the human services program has helped me identify things about myself. It has taught me to keep my mind open to what others have to offer.

Anchored in a Christ-Centered Foundation

As I considered returning to school, I knew that if God wasn’t centered in my education, I wasn’t going to continue. Having a Christ-centered perspective in the classroom makes a world of difference. It helps me to move from the world’s way of thinking to see things from God’s perspective.

God has used Cornerstone and the many people I’ve met through the PGS program. It has strengthened my walk with God. He works through people, and He knew the right people and the right place that I needed. I’ve had people pray with me and walk with me through the struggles I’ve had. They helped provide guidance and perspective of how God wants me to live.

He chose Cornerstone for me. He knew what I needed—that I needed to stay Christ-centered. God is in the midst of my education, and I hold onto that.

Embarking on a Journey With Continued Education

While in school and as I grew closer to God, I prayed that I wanted to be able to study His word, but I didn’t know how. I prayed for Him to show Himself to teach me how to study.

But He has a plan. It took me a little bit, but He put that excitement in me to learn more about the Word of God, so I’ll be able to go out and tell others about God. The more I surrendered it to God, the more comfortable I am with it. Now my goal is to study the Word of God.

Making a Difference, Today

My education has already been impacting my life with the people and different organizations God’s put me with. It’s given me direction and has helped me relate to those in my community.

What I’ve learned from different classes at Cornerstone and the Christian worldview makes me want to continue to share how good God is. I ask God for His light to shine on me so that others can see Him. I’ve got a little education, but it’s ultimately God using me as His vessel. Once I obtain my degrees, He’s further going to use me in so many areas.

I look at my life and I can connect with a lot of different situations—homeless, abused, disabled. For the person out there that thinks they’re not good enough or can’t be forgiven, God is going to use my life to show them that God loves them, no matter what. And because I have been in their place, they’re going to hear me. I can be a living testimony to who God is.

I have a story that only is of faith. God has put a new determination in my heart that I can’t quit. I’m no longer trying to control my life. Now, I just can’t get enough. He put that hope in me that He has a plan for me in my life. I have to see it through. No matter what goes on in my life, I have to see my education through.

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