Wade Wyant will be the first to tell you that his first two start-ups failed. His third succeeded only because he started listening to wake-up calls.
In his book “Wake-Up Call: Insights for Entrepreneurs to Have More Freedom, Reduce Drama, and Scale Their Businesses,” Wyant provides 64 lessons for entrepreneurs and business owners based on lessons he learned along the way.
The idea for the book initially began as a story—the story of Wyant’s passion for business and how that could translate into success for fellow business owners. The story became much more, however. It became a field guide for entrepreneurs that teaches valuable lessons that Wyant learned the hard way.
“There were so many things I wanted to get out there,” Wyant said of the writing process. “My business story didn’t progress in a straight line. There were a lot of zig zags. I hope that the lessons I learned can help other people as well. ”
Each lesson in the book comes directly from Wyant’s own experiences. He’s been an entrepreneur for over 20 years and now owns a consulting company, Red Wagon Advisors. His organization helps businesses grow their profit and their impact. The most recent start-up he exited is now a multi-million dollar company. In 2015, he was Cornerstone University’s Alumnus of the Year for his work in entrepreneurship.
Wyant’s success didn’t come without its challenges, as he outlined in the book. All entrepreneurs will have their own difficult lessons to learn. His was that partnerships sometimes fail.
“A lot of these lessons are also life lessons,” Wyant explained. “Through business, I’ve learned a lot about family and ministry and the church.”
For example, one of the most important lessons Wyant wants readers to walk away with is that people are typically psychological, not logical. When a person makes a decision, one shouldn’t expect them to decide based on logic, but rather emotion. It’s not realistic to expect the typical person to react logically.
Wyant’s hope is that entrepreneurs and business leaders alike will read the book and share it with their team. His desire is that other businesses can see the growth that his own career has had. Along with running Red Wagon Advisors, Wyant is also the founder of tech start-up Redegades, which educates parents on cybersecurity for their children and how to protect them from cyber attacks.
“Entrepreneurs are a strange breed,” Wyant reflected, “but they are capable of doing the most good.”
Wyant’s book is available on Amazon.