Wow. I don’t think any of us could ever have expected the mass uncertainty and disruption that COVID-19 has caused. Maybe you’re a high school senior and you’re trying to come to terms with losing things you’ve been looking forward to your whole life. Maybe you’re a parent who is worried about the future of your job. Maybe you’re a Cornerstone University student adjusting to the transition from school to home.
I’m right there with you. It’s not easy, but we will get through it together with compassionate support and resilience.
Ever since COVID-19 began affecting all of our lives, I’ve been determined to make the most of it—to learn, grow closer to the Lord and live with a thankful heart. Let me tell you, that’s not always easy, but it’s so rewarding.
The hardest thing in all of this was leaving my community. I have lived on campus since my freshman year in an intentional effort to cultivate relationships and experience community.
In this season, I have been overwhelmed with thankfulness for the people I am privileged to know and love because of my time at Cornerstone. I’m thankful that it was so hard to leave because it shows me it’s exactly where I was meant to be.
I’m so thankful for the friends and memories made and experiences that were had. I’m thankful for the worship nights, random hangouts, late-night talks, coffee dates, lunch breaks with my friends and all the little moments in between.
I’ll never take the little things for granted anymore. Not after this.
I’ve also been so thankful for my professors. As a junior, I have developed relationships with several of them and have had some of them for multiple classes. They have been so encouraging and helpful during this time and have made the transition to online school so much smoother. I miss attending their classes in-person, and I know they do too. We’re in it together.
I am the type of person that seeks growth no matter the situation. So when I found out that we were going to be stuck at home, at least for a little bit, my mind went into planning mode. What can I learn? What can I improve? How can I make the most of this time?
I think we all have an opportunity to get to know ourselves better. Who am I when I’m not with all my people? Who am I when I’m not running from one thing to the next? If I had nothing to do, what would I choose to do?
I’m learning to not be frustrated when I can’t do it all and to simply enjoy the rest and reflection.
I’ve started playing the guitar, something I’ve wanted to do for a while now. I’ve gotten to read and that has sparked my interest in creating and dreaming. I actually have time to work out and eat better which, in turn, helps me to feel better.
During this time, I hope to discover new passions and develop healthy habits that will last.
I have experienced supernatural peace throughout all of this. All of my plans that I worked so hard to lay out were suddenly up in the air with little hope of clarity any time soon. In any other situation, I would have freaked out knowing that it wasn’t in my control. But the Lord was so kind to offer me peace and a chance to trust Him so much more.
My word for 2020 is trust, which is ironic considering everything that has happened. But I’m excited for the journey and the challenge of trusting Him more and through it all, getting to know His unshakable character.
I am seeking to get to know Him better in this time. If it’s spending hours with Him, that’s what I’ll do. If it’s waking up and getting on my knees to surrender the day every single morning, that’s what I’ll do. What an opportunity we have to walk in intimacy and absolute surrender with Him!
I want to be able to come out at the end of this and say, I didn’t waste a moment. I spent time with my Father, developed a deep attitude of thankfulness and pursued my passions.
I wanted to finish this post with the lyrics from “The Benediction” by Timothy James Meaney, a song we sing at every Evensong service at Cornerstone.
My friends may you grow in grace,
And in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior.
To God be the glory, now and forever,
Now and forever amen.
As we look ahead, I encourage you to continue pursuing what matters to you and finding new ways to grow.