Increasing amounts of college students are transferring every year, whether it’s from a community college to a four-year institution or from one university to another. It’s important to know what credits transfer and to be proactive in the process. If you’re thinking about transferring to Cornerstone University, our admissions team is prepared to help you every step of the way.


If you choose to attend a community college or other institution and then transfer schools, it is important to know which credits will transfer and which will not. There are transfer guides specific to Cornerstone available for the local community colleges. Also, the Cornerstone admissions team is happy to assist in looking at what will transfer from your specific institution.

Another useful tool is the Michigan Transfer Agreement. This guarantees that you will be able to transfer general education credits within the given criteria to any participating university. While you will need to complete other course work not included in this, it is a good guideline for what can be completed prior to transferring.

Financial aid is also important to consider. At many institutions, scholarships offered to transfers are limited or less than those offered to incoming freshmen, but Cornerstone is actually increasing the potential aid for transfer students.


When I ask almost any student what their favorite thing about Cornerstone is, they say the people or the community. As a transfer, this is a definite benefit. The smaller size of the university makes it easier to participate in dorm life and campus events.

Isaac Roberts (B.A. ’20) shared with me about his experience transferring to Cornerstone as a junior and how he got plugged into the community.

“It’s about the effort you put in. I just went out to things, so if there were events happening I attended the events,” said Roberts. “I was active in Van Osdel, the dorm I lived in my first year. Those are the people you’ll see every day and have a lot of opportunities to become friends with.”

Not only is the existing community supportive of one another, but it welcomes transfer students with open arms. While talking to Caitlyn Hannum, Cornerstone Admissions’ current counselor working with transfer students, she shared about individuals who transferred to Cornerstone that formed a group to help future transfer students.

Hannum said, “The current transfers have a heart to see students transition well, so they actually go and meet with my new transfer students and introduce themselves and send them an email expressing their excitement to have them on campus. They’ve even offered to sit with transfers at Golden Eagle Days.

Hannum herself transferred to Cornerstone midway through her college career. She and Roberts both shared their experiences transferring into Cornerstone and referenced Terra Firma, the university’s Welcome Week, as a positive experience. Roberts said that he was placed in an orientation group with several other transfers, which gave him connections upon arrival. Hannum shared about meeting her best friend during that first week. Regardless of your situation entering Cornerstone, Terra Firma provides an easy way to make friends and get plugged in to campus life.


The most important piece in the transfer process at any university is the admissions team. They will be able to tell you what credits transfer, give you an idea of what it would be like to transfer and serve as your guide throughout.

Roberts had Hannum as his admissions counselor when transferring into Cornerstone. When I asked what that relationship was like, he said, “I felt that she went above and beyond. We talked a lot over email and over the phone. She helped me a lot with financial aid and connecting me with the right people. When some of my classes didn’t transfer that I thought should, she looked deeper into them and ended up getting those transferred in.”

Your admissions counselor is your advocate and biggest helper. They will go above and beyond to ensure that you are getting full credit and the best financial aid possible.

Have your transcript reviewed by our admissions team!