According to Western Theological Seminary professor Chuck DeGroat, to be wholehearted is to be among the “pure in heart” Jesus described in the Beatitudes. It’s to be a person of “fundamental integrity,” and yet it seems fundamentally elusive.

Wholeheartedness doesn’t seem elusive to a few, select individuals. Rather, it seems elusive to most. DeGroat believes this elusiveness stems from our believing the lie of Genesis 3 that “something is missing” from all that God has given to us. Our relentless pursuit to find that “something,” to fill that void, leaves us with shame and ultimately a divided self. We show up to work; we pour our lives out for others, all the while making sure that our pain and brokenness never seep out, soiling our image and damaging our reputation.

Keeping up our façade is exhausting. As DeGroat shared in his book and in our virtual event with him on Nov. 9, 2020, wholeheartedness is an antidote to this tiring, fractured life. And we can actually find blessing in the midst of our brokenness. But how? How do we lay hold of this blessing? How do we pursue wholeheartedness?

Watch what DeGroat had to say in this video.