The CU Promise
CU Promise focuses on six defining characteristics and graduate outcomes that are Biblically-grounded in a Christian worldview, academically excellent, and relevant to prepare marketplace or ministry ready future leaders. Cornerstone aims to cultivate graduates of skill and character to:
- Be Experts in Their Fields of Study and Chosen Profession
- Exemplify Superb Personal and Professional Ethics and Integrity
- Be Excellent Written, Verbal, and Non-Verbal Communicators
- Embody Strong Relational Intelligence and Networking Presence in Diverse Contexts
- Integrate the Gospel and Christian Worldview in a Sophisticated Manner
- Have a Vibrant and Mature Relationship with Jesus Christ
Be Experts in Their Field of Study and Chosen Profession. Cornerstone believes it is vital to prepare students to become leaders and solution providers in their industry. Through comprehensive leading-edge programs, students gain the knowledge, skills, and practical expertise needed to excel in their chosen fields as well as learn skills to evolve as industries change. CU faculty are scholars, researchers, theologians, and real-world industry practitioners who passionately invest in students’ academic and spiritual formation journey. Transferring knowledge and Biblical truth, developing critical thinking and wisdom, and integrating a Christ-centered focus inside and outside the classroom are foundations to successful student outcomes at Cornerstone.
Exemplify Superb Personal and Professional Ethics and Integrity. Employers and society value character and ethical behavior. By integrating faith into all aspects of academics and spiritual life throughout their journey, Cornerstone instills Biblically adherent principles in our students by emphasizing ethical decision-making and leadership, honesty, wisdom, and daily pursuit of a Christ-centered life of character. The university’s foundational values and CU Confession are woven into the fabric of students’ educational experience. Trusted leaders are highly valued in every industry and ministry. The CU Promise seeks to build a reputation for graduating the most skilled and most trusted graduates across all industries.
Be Excellent Written, Verbal, and Non-Verbal Communicators. Effective communication remains a critical skill in today’s interconnected world. The university places a strong emphasis on developing students’ communication abilities. Through rigorous written coursework, public speaking opportunities, and experiential learning, students learn to articulate ideas clearly, engage in respectful dialogue, and effectively communicate across a broad range of professional and personal contexts. Writing support services are available and utilized by students to help them advance this influential and in-demand marketplace set of skills.
Embody Strong Relational Intelligence and Networking Presence in Diverse Contexts. Society is increasingly diverse and globally interdependent. Cornerstone is committed to creating a beautiful Christian community inside and outside the classroom. Students are encouraged to engage with others within a Biblical worldview reflecting love, respect, and grace in all interactions and within a scriptural framework that honors God’s vision of the world. Also, events such as Wisdom Conversations, group projects, spiritual life and small groups, community service projects, internships and international experiential learning trips offer a range of opportunities to develop relationships and networking experiences.
Integrate the Gospel and Christian Worldview in a Sophisticated Manner. For over 80 years, Cornerstone remains steadfast in our mission to educate men and women to spread the gospel. Inspiring students to deeply love scripture, apply it daily, and communicate a livable Christian worldview to others with intelligence, wisdom, grace, and truth are defining attributes of the CU Promise. America’s earliest institutions existed to develop a moral society as purveyors of the gospel, educating citizens to read and understand the Bible. As institutions have drifted and openly counter Biblical theology and spiritual formation, CU Promise commits to an unwavering Christian worldview that is vital to a thriving, prayerful, grace-filled, God-honoring society.
Have a Vibrant and Mature Relationship with Jesus Christ. The CU Promise offers a pathway to develop spiritually, mentally and physically through a comprehensive spiritual life and formation program that helps students mature in Christ. Our commitment is to provide practical opportunities for all students to form life-long spiritual disciplines of daily being in God’s Word and continually growing to be more like Christ. From small groups and Bible studies, to dedicated community Chapels, to worship and music events, to sports and social interactions, and robust spiritual and mental health services, the student experience is welcoming and vibrant!
Experience the CU Promise at Cornerstone University
The CU Promise’s six essential graduate outcomes represent Cornerstone’s commitment to be the destination in higher education that families can trust and value. An education that is academically robust and marketplace-ready. An education that is authentically Christ-centered, Biblically integrated, and beautiful in community. A respected education that is one of the most affordable private, non-profit colleges, accessible for everyone. A trusted education that offers measurable value to students, families, churches, businesses, organizations, and communities by offering character-forming experiences that positively influence the marketplace and society.
For more information regarding Cornerstone University’s accredited 75 plus high-quality programs, please contact 616-222-1426.