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Bachelor of Science
in Biblical Studies

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Unveil biblical wisdom with a B.S. in Biblical Studies Degree

As Christians, we are in constant pursuit of God’s Word. A degree in biblical studies from Cornerstone University gives you insight and clarity as you go deeper into the Bible. You will walk away with a holistic understanding of both the Old and New Testaments, the history of antiquity and a deep devotion to your Lord and Savior.

Degree Type

  • Bachelor of Science
  • Minor


  • On Campus
  • Online


  • Grand Rapids


As a student of biblical studies, you’ll be trained inside and outside the classroom. Cornerstone has partnered with churches and ministries around the country to provide you with experience and insight into pastoral and ministry life.


  • City Life Church
  • Ebenezer Reformed Church
  • New Hope Community Church
  • Village Church of Barrington
  • Trinity United Methodist Church


As someone in constant pursuit of truth, your skills are invaluable. Graduates from the biblical studies program go on to seminaries across the country and train themselves for pastoral, ministry and missionary work.


  • Editor
  • Humanitarian worker
  • Pastor
  • Writer
  • Youth pastor
  • Camp ministry director
  • Teacher (may require certification)
  • Missionary


Of Bible, Religion & Ministry Division graduates from the class of 2018 were employed or enrolled in graduate school within six months of graduation.


Student-to-faculty ratio with an average class size of 22.


Of students take part in an internship or practicum at a company or organization related to their field of study.

Program Features and
Learning Outcomes

The biblical studies program at Cornerstone is designed to inspire your intellect, deepen your character and prepare you to lead in your career with influence and wisdom.

Study Abroad Opportunities

Students have the opportunity to travel abroad to Greece or Israel and Palestinian territories. Led by Cornerstone professors, our two-week Israel Experience study tour meets a course requirement and offers you in-depth, on-site learning experiences at places such as Jerusalem, Judea, the Coastal Plain, the Negev, the Dead Sea, the Jordan Valley and Galilee.

Program Learning Outcomes

The biblical studies program reflects our commitment to developing students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes in five distinct yet interconnected areas.

Specialized Knowledge

Demonstrate knowledge of the content of the Bible and relevant ancient primary literature.

  • Recognize literary genres of the Bible.
  • Identify extra-biblical literature from the ancient Near East, prominent Mediterranean cultures (Egypt, Greece, Rome, etc.) and Jewish sources.
  • Recall overarching narrative with knowledge of major religious movements within the Bible and its characters.

Applied Knowledge and Collaborative Learning

Develop both exegetical and hermeneutical skills relevant to practical theology.

  • Employ exegetical methods on biblical texts with sensitivity to their literary and historical-cultural contexts.
  • Prepare models of praxis from exegesis and theology that relate biblical texts to the modern cultural context.
  • Demonstrate the skill of outlining both ancient and modern texts, as means of summarizing and classifying an author’s thesis and support.
  • Compose formal written reports based on exegetical research in accordance with Turabian style.
  • Discover, analyze and synthesize research into critical commentaries and scholarly journals.

Intellectual Skills

Demonstrate your ability to integrate both traditional and non-traditional cognitive skills, including analytical inquiry, information literacy, quantitative fluency and communicative fluency.

Civic and Global Learning

Demonstrate intercultural competence in addressing civic, social, environmental and economic issues.

Biblical Worldview Integration

Articulate a Christ-centered worldview and its personal, professional and communal embodiment through Christian virtues.

My biblical studies major has allowed me to take in more perspectives on Scripture than I could’ve ever imagined. It’s been eye-opening, and discovering God’s Word in new ways has been integral to moving and growing my faith.

Robertson Boucek (’23)

Related Programs

Cornerstone offers a variety of Bible, religion and ministry programs. Discover how God wants to use your gifts in one of our ministry-related programs.

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