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Bachelor of Science
in Ministry

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Nurture biblical faithfulness with a B.S. in Ministry Degree

A degree in ministry from Cornerstone University will prepare you to enter the ministry field as a purposeful professional devoted to sharing the story of God’s grace. You will be able to engage the global culture of ministry and remain true to the heart of Christ’s teachings—to love God and love people.

Degree Type

  • Bachelor of Science
  • Minor


  • On Campus
  • Residential


  • Grand Rapids

Find Purpose In
Your Vocation

At Cornerstone, we take a holistic approach to ministry training. You’ll be inspired by your professors. You’ll be spiritually fed by your peers striving alongside you. And you’ll be challenged in your own personal time of reflection and worship. All of this will serve you to lead God’s people faithfully in the future.

A calling to ministry is no small thing. It takes a heart that is willing to open up and pour out love to those who need it. It takes a spirit willing to take on challenges of any size. And it takes a level of tenacity that most people only dream of achieving. Your professors and peers in the ministry program will stand by you and prepare you for a future of purpose. You will receive sound biblical training, comprehensive cultural studies and meaningful communication skills to forge your future in the mission field.


Our graduates find themselves all across the globe serving the body of Christ, and no ministry is too large or too small to benefit from their insight. Alumni of the ministry program find themselves among diverse church and parachurch ministries, where they serve faithfully and wholeheartedly.


  • Urban and suburban parachurch organizations
  • Seminary or theological studies
  • Church-based children's, youth and young adult ministries
  • After hours tutoring programs
  • Homeless ministries
  • Sports ministry
  • Camping ministries


To prepare you for a life of ministry, your student internship will provide you with valuable experience and insight into how ministries of varying sizes operate. Cornerstone has partnered with churches, camps and global missions to provide students with these beneficial opportunities.


  • Berkley Hills Church
  • Crossroads Bible Church
  • West Michigan Youth for Christ
  • Ada Bible Church
  • Matthews House
  • Urban Family Ministries


Of Bible, Religion & Ministry Divison graduates from the class of 2018 were employed, continuing their education or choosing to volunteer at local organizations within six months of graduation.


Student-to-faculty ratio with an average class size of 22.


Of students take part in an internship or practicum at a company or organization related to their field of study.

Program Features and
Learning Outcomes

The ministry program at Cornerstone is designed to inspire your intellect, deepen your character and prepare you to lead in your career with influence and wisdom.

Study Abroad Opportunities

One of our most popular off-campus study experiences for ministry students is our Israel trip. During this trip, you will have the opportunity to earn class credit and spend 12 days walking through the Scripture in immersive and tangible ways.

Program Learning Outcomes

The ministry program reflects our commitment to developing students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes in five distinct yet interconnected areas.

Specialized Knowledge

Learn the foundational theories that facilitate competent, creative and compassionate diverse ministry.

  • Demonstrate knowledge of theories specific to human development.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of theories specific to learning processes.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of theories specific to relational engagement.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of theories specific to counseling.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of theories specific to leadership.
  • Know biblical and theological constructs required in the biblical studies minor.

Applied Knowledge and Collaborative Learning

Conduct ministry opportunities for specific cultural ministry contexts framed by the ministry’s specialized knowledge.

  • After observing and identifying ministry contexts, be able to adapt and implement appropriate ministry models, methods and theories.
  • Develop a plan/practice of moving toward personal, spiritual and emotional health for ministry.

Intellectual Skills

Demonstrate your ability to integrate both traditional and non-traditional cognitive skills, including analytical inquiry, information literacy, quantitative fluency and communicative fluency.

Civic and Global Learning

Demonstrate intercultural competence in addressing civic, social, environmental and economic issues.

Biblical Worldview Integration

Articulate a Christ-centered worldview and its personal, professional and communal embodiment through Christian virtues.

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Related Programs

Cornerstone offers a variety of Bible, religion and ministry programs. Discover how God wants to use your gifts in one of our ministry-related programs.

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