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De Witt Center for Science and Technology at Cornerstone University

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Male and female college students meeting in a classroom Male and female college students meeting in a classroom Male and female college students meeting in a classroom

Career AssessmentDiscover Your
God-Given Potential

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Career Assessment

You are uniquely gifted. God has given you a passion for how you will serve others during your lifetime. However, your passion and vocation are not always clear. Take our free PathwayU quiz today—a free career assessment—to see a list of recommended majors that align with your educational interests, personality type and career goals.

Take the Career Test

At Cornerstone University, we’re dedicated to helping you make the most of your college experience with purpose-guided career support and academic planning. Our PathwayU assessment is a great first step in discovering your passion and calling.

The PathwayU quiz is designed to give you potential career options that fit your calling and identify potential majors that will help you get there. Here’s how to take the quiz:

  1. Create your account (it’s quick and easy).
  2. View your results and identify majors you could choose at Cornerstone.

Take the Quiz

Make Sense of Your Quiz Results

Don’t let the prospect of choosing a major or career path overwhelm you. To learn more about your personalized list of majors and PathwayU quiz results, contact your admissions counselor. We’d be glad to talk with you about your PathwayU report and our more than 65 traditional undergraduate academic programs!

Admissions Office




MON - FRI: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
SAT & SUN: Closed

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