Health Services
Cornerstone University Student Health Services is a holistic, Christ-centered health team dedicated to developing and serving students by treating their acute and chronic needs. Staff members are committed to teaching students proper preventative health care so that they will thrive while receiving a Cornerstone University education and in their future endeavors to influence our world for Christ.
Office coordinator is available 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Monday through Thursday and 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday.
Services Offered
The Health Services team provides on-campus health services for traditional undergraduate enrolled students, including:
- Visits with a registered nurse for minor injuries (e.g., sprains) or illnesses (e.g., cold, flu, headaches, rashes, digestive disorders).
- Blood pressure checks.
- Health education and wellness promotion.
- Access to loan items (e.g., crutches, wheelchairs).
- Referrals to specialists.
- Resource materials on health-related topics.
- Consultation for international travel and immunizations through a partnership established with a peer institution.
- First Aid and injury treatment (e.g., bites, burns, skin irritations).
- Recommend over the counter treatments (e.g., allergy symptoms, ear and sinus symptoms).
- Rapid strep and UTI testing.
At CU, we are committed to seeing students thrive academically, spiritually and physically. Our Health Services Policies that enable us to serve students well.
Patient Rights
As a patient, you have a right:
- To be treated with respect and dignity and to be provided with courteous, considerate care.
- To be informed about the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of the health problem in terms that can be understood.
- To know the chances that treatment will be effective and to know the possible risks, side effects and alternative methods of treatment.
- To receive confidential treatment of their disclosures and medical records and, except when required by law, is afforded the opportunity to approve or refuse release; to know who is responsible for providing treatment.
- To have access to a second medical opinion before making any decision. The patient can decide not to be treated, but must be informed of the medical consequences of refusal.
- To participate in decisions involving the health problem.
- To be informed of the personal responsibilities involved in seeking medical treatment and maintaining health and well-being thereafter.
- To privacy of person and privacy of personal health information.
- To have access to resource persons and information concerning health education, self-care and prevention of illness.
Patient Responsibilities
As a patient, you have the responsibility:
- To inform clinician of any changes in their health status that could affect their treatment.
- To adhere to a prescribed treatment plan and to discuss any desired change.
- To act in a considerate and cooperative manner with the Student Health Services staff.
- To ask questions and seek clarification regarding areas of concern.
- To weigh the consequences of refusing to comply with instructions and recommendations.
- To assist the clinicians in compiling a complete record by authorizing the Student Health Services to obtain necessary medical information from appropriate sources.
- To keep your appointment on time.
Transportation Off-Site
Student Health Services does not provide transportation to or from an off-campus medical appointment except in the case that no other arrangements are available. University provided taxi services are made available in those situations. The student is responsible for arranging for their own transportation in most cases.
Absence Policy
Student Health Services does not provide medical excuses for students who have missed chapel, classes, exams or due dates for papers or projects. Our reasons include our commitment to patient confidentiality, our role in educating students about appropriate use of health care, our concern for furthering the developmental transitions of young adulthood, our lack of direct knowledge about illness or injuries effectively managed by self-care and our own finite resources. Please use your allotted absences provided by your professors for illness and medical appointments.
Should you acquire an illness or injury necessitating an absence from your educational obligations, please follow the guidelines outlined in your Student Handbook for notification of your situation to your professors. If Student Health Services “bans” you from attending class due to a contagious illness, we will notify your professors. In both cases, it will be up to the discretion of the professor as to whether they will excuse you. It will be your responsibility to make arrangements with your professors to make up any assignments or exams you may have missed.
With the exception of international students, Cornerstone does not enroll students in a school-sponsored plan. However, insurance plans are available for purchase to individual students.
Adequate Coverage Guidelines
When preparing for college, no student plans to become seriously ill or injured. High health care costs can be a challenging obstacle, especially for students. Cornerstone no longer practices a “hard waiver” insurance program except in the case of foreign students with an F-1 visa. These students will be charged a fee for insurance that meets the requirements set forth by the federal government.
Most students find it cost-effective to remain on their parents’ insurance throughout their college years. If you are unable to stay on your parents’ insurance and are shopping for insurance, look for a plan that meets the requirements set forth by the federal government.
Insurance for International Students
Cornerstone no longer practices a “hard waiver” insurance program except in the case of foreign students with an F-1 visa. These students will be charged a fee for insurance that meets the requirements set forth by the federal government. This international insurance is for traditional undergraduate students only.
- Address: 5071 West H Ave, Kalamazoo, MI 49001
- Agent: Bryan Cronen
- Phone: 269.381.6630
- Fax: 269.381.3055
New Student Forms & Information
New students must complete several health forms in order to enroll at Cornerstone. All Cornerstone University students, whether residing on or off campus, are required to:
- Fill out a Medical Health History Form.
- Receive all required immunizations prior to arriving on campus and have your doctor complete the Immunization History Form.
- Complete your TB Self-Screening Tool.
- Complete Authorization to Treat Form.
If this information is not submitted to Student Health Services before the deadline and you have not contacted Health Services to get an extension, Cornerstone will place a hold on the student’s registration and assess a non-refundable $50 medical fee. The student will be unable to enroll until the requirements are completed. If a student is unable to complete these requirements by the stated deadline, they must contact Health Services to get an extension via email or by phone at 616.222.1441.
Medical Health History Form
The medical history form assists the medical staff in knowing health conditions the student has previously had or is currently dealing with, so that preventative accommodations or proactive health care may be given.
Proof of Immunity
Cornerstone, in practicing best medical practices and in congruence with Michigan law, requires that students demonstrate proof of immunity with respect to measles, mumps, rubella (MMR), polio, tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis, hepatitis B, and meningitis. In addition, the university requires that students self-screen for Tuberculosis and if necessary provide proof of a negative TB test. The immunization record must either be signed by a health care professional, stamped with their official stamp or provide an official document from the State’s registry or from the student’s previous school.
Proof of immunity is evidenced by either appropriate documentation of immunization, a physician-diagnosed disease leading to immunity or serologic testing (blood tests). Information regarding the specific vaccinations and other documentation required to establish proof of immunity is available from Student Health Services.
These required immunizations must have official documentation:
- Tetanus-Diphtheria and Pertussis: Primary series and a booster within the past 10 years are required.
- Students must provide documentation of two live MMR vaccines, with the 2nd dose given after 4 years of age.
- Hepatitis B is a series of 3 doses given over a period of 6 months.
- Varicella (Chicken Pox) is a two-shot vaccination series recommended for students who have not previously had the chickenpox disease. Students must provide documentation of having the vaccination series or having the disease.
- Minimum of four doses of Polio vaccine, with the 4th dose given after 4 years of age.
- Meningococcal Quadrivalent: The meningitis vaccine must cover strains A, C, Y and W-135. Two doses of MCV4 are required at Cornerstone for adolescents 11 through 18 years of age: first dose at 11 or 12 years of age, with a booster dose at age 16. If the first dose is given between 13 and 15 years of age, the booster should be given between 16 and 18. If the first dose is given after the 16th birthday, a booster is not needed. If never vaccinated before, one dose is required prior to college. No does is necessary if age 22 or older.
Immunization History Form (PDF)
Immunization Exemption
All religious or medical exemptions must be in writing on a separate sheet. By Michigan State law, a student may be exempt from immunizations for one of only two reasons: medical or religious. Medical exemptions must be signed by a physician. Religious exemptions must include a signed statement from the student stating the exact religious reasons for the requested exemption. If the student is a minor, the student must complete the statement with their signature and the signature of parent or guardian.
Please Note: Further documentation and a review process will be necessary if the exemption option is selected.
Immunization Waiver Form (PDF)
Tuberculosis Screening
All students are screened for tuberculosis (TB). If you answer yes to any of the screening questions you must get a TB skin test. The results of the TB test need to be provided to Health Services. If you have tested positive for TB in the past, do not take the skin test again. Those who have previously had a positive TB skin test or who received the BCG vaccine as a child must provide a negative chest X-ray.
Please Note: This form needs to be signed by the student and parent or guardian if the student is under 18 years of age. Also, please attach a copy of your insurance card with the form.
Tuberculosis Self-Screening Tool (PDF)
Authorization to Treat Form (PDF)
Helpful Resources
Health Services
- P:
- 616.222.1441
- F:
- 616.977.5473
MON: 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
TUE: Closed
WED-FRI: 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
SAT & SUNS: Closed