It is getting to be that time of year where many high school seniors are applying and finalizing college plans. For parents trying to help their student, it can be challenging to navigate the admissions process. There are transcripts and test scores to send, financial aid packages to review and living arrangements to make, but fear not! Colleges are equipped with specialized superheroes to get you through that process: admissions counselors.

I am proud to say that Cornerstone University’s admissions team is one of the best around, and I speak from experience. When I was an incoming student, my mom and I met with my admissions counselor on numerous occasions, and she never failed to answer all of our questions.


The admissions team is trained to walk with each incoming student through the enrollment process. Each student is assigned an admissions counselor who updates them on important deadlines, scholarships, housing information and more. I talked to Tessa Corwin, senior admissions counselor (B.A. ’13), to get some more information.

“Generally speaking, I help students determine if Cornerstone is the right fit for them,” Corwin said. “What this means can vary for each student as they all have unique needs. However, most often this comes down to three areas. The first is helping them determine if we have a major or program that fits their needs, which often leads us to connect them with professors in their desired fields. The second is talking through financial aid and what the cost of attending CU will look like for them. The third is whether or not our campus community will be a good fit for them, which is why we encourage students to attend visit days throughout the year!”

Having graduated from Cornerstone, Corwin has been through the whole process and knows firsthand what it looks like. This gives her, and many of the other admissions counselors who have also graduated from Cornerstone, a unique connection to their job. Each has experienced the transition in their own way and now works to make it easier for their students.

“Regardless of the timing, it’s my job to meet them where they’re at and assist them with their next steps,” said Corwin. “My job is to walk alongside them through the challenges and answer their questions as they arise, in the ultimate hope that I get to celebrate with them and join in their joy as they arrive on campus in the fall!”


Our team currently consists of nine admissions counselors who are all assigned to students based on a student’s last name (with the exceptions of our transfer counselor and our international student counselor). For example, Tessa Corwin helps students with the last name K. All of the counselors work hard to get incoming students ready for this new stage of life and enjoy every moment of it.

“My favorite part of my job is Arrival Day,” said Corwin. “It’s the day that I get to see the culmination of our team’s hard work as we welcome students and their families to campus to begin the school year. It’s a day full of emotions—immense joy for new beginnings, but also some sadness as families say goodbye. But I love being there to support students as they make this big step in their lives! I see so much potential in each of my students and am always excited to see how they will get involved and impact this campus in amazing ways.”


As I mentioned before, I relied heavily on my admissions counselor when I was an incoming student. She made sure I knew what events were happening, anything special I was eligible for and got me started at Cornerstone. I met with her to discuss a few forms and get help filling them out. She also got me in contact with anyone else I needed to talk to on campus.

If you haven’t already applied, take this opportunity to do that now! After that, get in contact with your admissions counselor! Ask questions and make sure you are ready for your first semester!